Meet our team

Alexis Burman, Office Manager

Alexis was born and raised in the Brockville area. She attended Thousand Islands Secondary School and graduated in 2009. Alexis took a couple of years to work and to decide what she would like to pursue as a career. She enrolled in the Medical Office Administration Program in Brockville at St. Lawrence College in the fall of 2011. She graduated from the program with Honours in 2013.

Alexis first joined the team at Brockville Chiropractic & Health Associates in the Spring of 2013 where she completed her 2 week placement at the office. Alexis was offered a position on the team upon completing her placement. She wrote her last exam and within 24 hours she was working as a Chiropractic Health Assistant for Dr. Gord and the Brockville Chiropractic team! Alexis loves expanding her knowledge of Chiropractic Care and the other associated services provided in our office. She will always offer a friendly smile and a cheery hello. She looks forward to meeting new patients and greeting our returning patients.

Stacie Williams, Office Assistant

Information coming soon.

Danielle Perry, Office Assistant

Information coming soon.

Carrie McCann, Chiropractic Assistant

Information coming soon.


Brockville Chiropractic & Health Associates

Call us 613 342-5544